Original Antique
Label Art
Original Antique Label Art

LEW MORRIS end label

LEW MORRIS end label
LEW MORRIS end label
Product Details
Lewis Morris ws born on April 8, 1726 and died on January 22, 1798) was an landowner and developer from Morrisania, New York. He signed the Declaration of Independence as a delegate to the Continental Congress from New York. Since he was a prominent land owner the New York Colony, Lewis was appointed as a judge of the Admiralty Court for the colonyt in 1760. He was elected to the Colonial Assembly in 1769. When The Revolutiona War started , he was a member of New York's Convention rom 1775 until 1777. It was this body who sent Morris to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia where Morris signed the Declartion of Independence.
Quality: Mint
Topics: Americana
Size:  4"x4"
Price: $8.00