Original Antique
Label Art
Original Antique Label Art


Product Details
William Wells was born at Jacob's Creek Pennsylvania in 1770 and was killed in Michigan in 1812. As a child his family moved to Kentucky A few years later all his family was killed in a native raid near Louisville. The orphaned William was sent to live with a friend, and three years later, was taken captive by the Miami Indianswhile on a hunting trip. He was raised as an Indian and eventually married the Indian's chiefs daughter named Wanagapeth. He served as a scout during his father-in-law's wars with the United States.Later, with the chief's permission, he became an US Army officer, serving as a captain in the Legion of the United States, as a scout and interpreter for General Anthony"Wayne. After participating in the Battle of Fallen Timbers, he went on to be an interpreter in treaty negotiations and state visits by Indian chiefs. He later settled at Fort Wayne and became the Indian Agent .Wells was killed in the Fort Dearborn Massacre in 1812 while attempting to help settlers to safety while dressed as an Indian. The Indians considered him a traitor nevertheless they ate his heart in order to gain some of his bravery.
Quality: Mint
Topics: Military
Size:  2"x3"
Price: $5.00