Original Antique
Label Art
Original Antique Label Art

JUSTIN S. MORRILL warning label

JUSTIN S. MORRILL warning label
JUSTIN S. MORRILL warning label
Product Details
Justin Smith Morrill born in Vermont on April 14, 1810 and died on December 28, 1898 He was a Representative from Vermont from 1855 to 1867 and a Senator from 1867 to 1898. He started as a Whig but was instrumental in starting the Republican party. He is also known for the Morrill Land-Grant Colleges Act that established federal funding for many colleges and universities."Notice: The Manufacturers of the Cigars herein contained, have compllied with all the requirements of law. Every Person is cautioned not to use this box for cigars again, or the stamp theron again, nor remove the contents of this box without destroying said stamp, under the penalties provided by law in such cases. "
Quality: Mint
Topics: Americana
Size:  4"x4"
Price: $45.00